But my grandson, Sammy, is much, much more than his heterotaxy diagnosis! Just one year ago, before he was even born, a doctor told his mama his condition was "incompatible with nature," but that was old news! Not that long ago few options existed for babies born with more serious forms of heterotaxy. However, not so today! I hope you'll take a minute to meet 7 month old Little Sammy Braveheart (my favorite nickname for him!) Sammy's a bouncer and a snuggler and soft muslin baby blanket lover. He only flashes his big baby blues and broad toothless smile for big brother, Jack...until he sees Mama...then he flashes his big baby blues and broad toothless smile for Mama...until he sees Dada....who always seems to cause his great big cupcake cheeks to erupt in the biggest, widest, brightest, almost one baby tooth grin ever seen. He just plain melts our hearts... and I bet he'll melt yours too. Sammy loves making new friends and you can follow his mama's blog at www.wholeheartedlyblessed.com
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